Divorce El Paso's Top Family and Criminal Law Firm

El Paso Divorce Lawyer

Putting 20 Years of Legal Experience into Your Case

Divorce in El Paso, TX, can be a painful experience especially when you and your spouse do not agree on how to handle all of its attendant family law issues peacefully and amicably.

Those legal family law issues can range from deciding who gets the family home to how child custody and parenting time will be divided.

Disagreements and antagonism can follow based on perceived wrongs and the disintegration of a once-loving relationship.

Emotions can become charged, running the gamut from resentment and anger to betrayal and loss.

These can cloud your judgment and get in the way of meeting a spouse on common ground to find optimum solutions for both parties and any child involved.

At Hall Law, our El Paso family lawyers proudly serve as advocates for our clients and understand the pitfalls of a legal separation process, especially when spouses are not parting on civil terms.

Our family law firm in El Paso, TX, knows how difficult it can be to rein in emotions in favor of rational decisions and behavior designed to smooth and expedite the transition.

Is It Worth Getting a Divorce Lawyer?

We believe that it is worth getting a divorce lawyer for specific circumstances during the proceedings. It is highly recommended that you should hire an attorney if:

  • You are dealing with issues with abuse
  • Your spouse is caught in a lie or being vindictive
  • You are going through a divorce with children involved or difficult financial issues

Our law firm in El Paso has first-hand experience in dealing with legal separations for our TX clients.

That experience includes 20 years of practice that involves handling family law issues in courtroom litigation.

The team of family law attorneys in El Paso apply all of legal experience to help you navigate the separation process with as little stress as possible and to reach favorable outcomes that align with your needs and goals.

    In the event of separation from your ex, you should look for a divorce attorney who has experience with separation laws in Texas and a proven record of defending their clients in family court.

    As anyone who has gone through a separation will tell you, the process is hardly ever simple or easy.

    With so much at stake, it's important to have someone in your corner who can effectively advocate for your rights and help you achieve your desired outcome.

    Are you looking at a potential divorce? Contact Hall Law online or at (915) 529-0233 to arrange for a consultation to discuss the details.

    How to File for Divorce in Texas

    Here the steps to filing for divorce in El Paso, Texas:

    • Consult with an experienced divorce attorney
    • Ensure you meet the residency requirement (You or your spouse must have lived in El Paso county for at least 90 days)
    • Determine if you are pursuing a contested or uncontested divorce
    • Figure out if you are going to file for a fault-based or no-fault divorce
    • Complete the appropriate paperwork, pay the fees, and file the documents at the District Clerk's Office at your local county courthouse
    • Serve your ex-spouse
    • Wait for your their response

    How Long Does a Divorce Take in El Paso Texas?

    How long a divorce takes in El Paso, Texas, depends on the type of divorce. Usually, the average time of a contested divorce could take six months to one year or even longer. The more complicated your divorce is, the longer it will take you to settle.

    Filing in El Paso does not have to be adversarial, time-consuming, and costly.

    If you and your ex-spouse can come to an agreement on the various issues you have to face, you can save money, time, and the emotional stress of courtroom litigation.

    Negotiating an agreement with your ex-spouse over your separation issues will put you as a couple in control of these matters as opposed to having them decided by a TX judge.

    This is the most beneficial way to handle divorce, especially in terms of your emotional health.

    Separation issues can include:

    • Child custody and visitation; both legal custody and physical custody will need to be determined with parenting plans worked out.
    • Division and distribution of community property and debt; all marital property is considered “community” and thus is divided on as equal a basis as possible. This includes all assets acquired during the marriage as opposed separate property acquired prior to marriage or through inheritances or gifts in your name only.
    • Child support based on state guidelines that have been established to fit the needs and best interests of the child.
    • Spousal support, also known as alimony, that may or may not be an issue depending on the circumstances of the case; alimony is designed to reduce the negative economic affects that the separation could have on a stay-at-home parent who has never worked or lesser-earning spouse.
    • Any other issues that may be relevant to the particular case.

    Is Texas a No-Fault or Fault-Based State for Divorce?

    Texas is a no-fault as well as fault-based divorce state.

    In a no-fault case, you or your spouse contend that the marriage has ended due to irretrievable differences; this is the most common type of divorce in El Paso, Texas and generally the easiest and fastest.

    In a no-fault divorce, neither party has to prove that the other engaged in any kind of marital misconduct.

    Lacking that necessity, the process is simplified.

    Fault-based grounds for separation can be used when appropriate.

    These include adultery, cruelty, conviction of a felony, abandonment, confinement in a mental hospital, in supportability, and living apart without cohabitation for a period of three or more years.

    In these cases, you will have to provide evidence of the ground you are basing your case on.

    What Is the Difference Between a Contested and Uncontested Divorce?

    Divorces that are uncontested by either side will proceed through the courts the fastest.

    An uncontested divorce is where both sides can reach an agreement regarding all issues that pertain to their divorce.

    A contested divorce occurs when one or both spouses disagree about their agreement.

    An uncontested divorce can become contested when certain issues complicate the matter.

    Those issues can include multiple homes or real estate investments, other complex investments, pensions and retirement accounts, business ownership, and more.

    How Hall Law Can Help Your Family

    No matter how complex or difficult your case may seem to be, any family law attorney from our TX law firm has the experience to help.

    That experience has given us the background needed to give you the assistance and guidance you need regardless of the situation.

    Once our lawyers get to know you, the various facets of your legal case, and your legal needs and objectives, we can help your family work towards a favorable outcome.

    Our family law firm is aimed to help you navigate this life transition with the least anxiety possible.

    Our El Paso divorce lawyer understands that every case is unique; no cookie-cutter approach will do when it comes to this deeply personal legal matter.

    You can trust that our law firm will do everything possible to streamline and ease this process.

    Let our law firm use our depth of experience to help you. Talk to our attorneys about your case by calling (915) 529-0233 for a consultation!


    Client Testimonials

    • “She fought so hard for me and she was great in court.”

      - FT Bliss
    • “Very caring, loving, respectful, attentive and determined. THANK YOU for everything”

      - Brenda
    • “She is the first person to talk to me with respect and the first lawyer I have had that was worried about me and my kids.”

      - Jorge

    Why Hire Hall Law?

    The Right Choice for Your Case
    • Over 20 Years of Legal Experience
    • Extensive Trial Experience
    • Direct Access to Attorney from Start to Finish
    • In Person, Phone and Zoom Consultations Available
    • Flexible Payment Plans Available